Epic Playlist

I am not saying it’s what got me pregnant that day …

… but, as Herb would say, it is an absolute banger. 


Thank you for writing this book. When I started my single journey 20 years ago, I struggled immensely and had nowhere to turn. I am sure this book will make a difference to many women who wanted nothing more than to become a mother. 

Anonymous DM, August 2021

Thanks so much for sharing. I have a friend who is starting the donation process and it has given me such an insight as to how she may be feeling.

Anonymous DM, August 2020

I just finished listening to you on Happy Mum, Happy Baby and I just had to say thank you so much for sharing your story. It resonsates with me so much. I've always said I'd get a sperm donor one day and as I'm getting older it feels more and more likely. Hearing your journey just comforts me so much and fills me with hope.

Anonymous DM, August 2020

You don't need to follow societal norms to be a parent, there are so many options and opportunities for humans with love to give.

Anonymous DM, July 2020

More at Liv's Alone

Helpful Stuff

Don't know where to start? Would like to just find out more about the fertility industry?

Your Stories

There are so many ways to have a family. I promise you are not alone and neither am I. You will soon be able to read all about other peoples stories on how they became a family.

Things I Love

I am not known for my minimalism! Here you will be able to find links to all the things that make me smile, from recipes to baby products, from books to toys.

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